ALUK Aluminium Windows, InfiniGLIDE 3 Doors & Roofline Installation
Our client was looking for a way to modernise their home and add contemporary charm to its architecture. They opted for our AluK aluminium windows and InfiniGlide 3 sliding doors. As you can see from the gallery below, the new aluminium windows and doors perfectly complement this property in ASurrey and provide it with the modern upgrade they were hoping for.
If you would like to learn more about the products that were installed into this Surrey home, please keep on reading. You can also contact our expert team if you have any questions about any of our products or services.

A High Quality Aluminium Windows Installation
We installed the AluK aluminium windows into this property. The frames are coloured in a black shade providing a sleek aesthetic. They feature slim frames which allow for larger glazing panels to let in great amounts of natural light thus keeping the property nice and bright.
The client can now enjoy better standards of performance than what they had previously. The aluminium frames have been carefully manufactured so that they provide exceptional standards of thermal performance, which will help to keep the Surrey property comfortable and cosy all throughout the year.
As well as this, they only use the most durable aluminium materials, so our clients will be able to sleep comfortably at night knowing that their new home improvements will keep them safe and secure as well as fully weatherproofed from harsher British climates.
Contact our team today to learn more about what aluminium windows can do for your Surrey home and the incredible features they can offer.

Stunning InfiniGlide Sliding Doors
As well as the aluminium windows, we also installed the incredibly slim InfiniGlide 3 sliding doors. The virtually frameless sliding doors are coloured in the same shade as the windows to keep the visuals consistent.
One of the greatest features of the InfiniGlide 3 sliding doors is that the profiles provide some of the slimmest frames that sliding doors offer. This gives the client a virtually frameless sliding door that looks incredibly modern and also enhances natural light allowance due to its large expanses of glass.
Along with their incredible design, the slimline sliding doors provide U values as low as 1.3 so the clients are now able to enjoy a thermally efficient, which therefore will keep them at a comfortable temperature through all seasons.
If you would like to find out more about the features and benefits our aluminium sliding doors have to offer, then please contact our team today and they will be more than happy to assist.

Double Glazing Prices, Surrey
If you have been inspired by this beautiful project, then please contact our friendly team today and we can provide you with a collection of market leading products that will greatly impact how your home performs and how it looks.
You can get a free online quote for your new double glazing including aluminium windows and doors by filling in our online quoting engine with your project requirements. Here we will be able to provide you with a bespoke price.
If you have any questions about any of our products, then you can also fill in our online contact form with any information you need to know. We have a friendly team that will be more than happy to assist you with any enquiries that you have.