ALUK Aluminium Windows & Doors & Solidor Composite Door Installation
Our client in Surrey wanted to refresh their home and give it an upgrade. They opted for a brand new set of windows and doors as well as a stunning new composite door.
The windows were from AluK and are manufactured using high quality and robust aluminium materials. The composite door was a stunning traditional design from Solidor. All profiles not only offer beautiful designs but come with unrivalled standards of performance that will leave our clients with new aluminium doors and windows that will serve them many years of service.
For more information on our collection of windows, doors and other products, please contact our friendly team today.

Stunning Aluminium Windows in Surrey
Looking at the images, you can see that our clients have a more traditional style home. Our clients were looking for a way to upgrade their home but have the windows and doors match the more traditional architecture.
Coloured in a darker hue, the profiles provide a more heritage aesthetic that perfectly complements the property architecture. The aluminium profiles feature decorative bars to create a more authentic looks that replicate what traditional timber windows would look like. We kept the design consistent throughout the home – even creating a set of French doors using the exact same design.
Aluminium Windows & Doors Designed to Last
Not only do our aluminium windows and doors provide charming visuals, but they have also been designed to excel in their performance. AluK are renowned for producing high quality aluminium profiles that are built to last. The profiles are meticulously tested by professionals to ensure that every home is provided with the best home improvements.
The clients in Surrey can expect to enjoy better quality thermal performance, as well as improved weather proofing, exceptional standards of quality and increased durability. Contact our team today to find out more.

Solidor Composite Doors
Along with our incredible aluminium windows and doors, we installed a beautiful Solidor composite door. As you can see from the photo, the client opted for a more traditional style front door to match it with the style of property. We matched the new composite front door to the windows and doors to keep the design consistent all over the property.
Featuring a bespoke knocker and silver letterbox, this composite door opposite a fantastic design that are clients are incredibly happy with. To finish off the look of the door and make it more unique to the client, they opted for some decorative glazing. How lovely does the final finish look?
To find out more about our range of composite door customisations, please get in touch with our team today and they can provide you with all the information you require.

Aluminium Windows & Doors Prices, Surrey
If you have been inspired by this installation of aluminium windows and doors, then please get in touch with our team today and they can provide you with all the information you need to kickstart your next Surrey project.
If you would like to see how much our windows and doors cost, then you can input your project details into our online quote engine which will provide you with a personalised price. It’s free and easy to use, so try it out today.
If you would prefer to discuss any of the products and services we offer with our team, then you can also fill in our online form. You can even give us a call. We look forward to hearing from you!